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0755 028 122


107 times searched, 20% consider this number as negative, 12 ratings

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What Type Of Call Did You Receive From 0755 028 122

Spam - Unwanted phone calls or random text messages seem to come at all hours.

Scam - A form of fraudulent activity with the goal of stealing your money or your information.

Telemarketing - A company that makes and takes calls in order to sell goods or services.

Identify Call Type of 0755 028 122

Whenever you have a missed call from 755028122, read info below to help you find necessary information.

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Block: 1

Not Sure:0

Recent Comments of 0755 028 122

  • Last Posted by anonymous, Oct 13, 2017

    Oxenford (car) service centre


Your Comment

Recent Complaint Activity for 0755 028 122

Please let everyone know if 0755028122 is safe to answer or is a spam caller. A spam caller is any unwanted phone call such as a telemarketer. Thank you for helping create the most useful phone number directory!

Phone Formats of 0755 028 122

Possible ways of writing the number 755028122 by aunumber users.

  • +61 755-028-122
  • +61755028122
  • 61755028122
  • 755-028-122
  • 0755 028 122
  • 0755028122
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Registration is free.


Scamwatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). It provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams.

Click here to report a scam to the ACCC.

Top Types of Scams

Unexpected money
Scammers invent convincing and seemingly legitimate reasons to give you false hope about offers of money. There are no get-rich-quick schemes, so always think twice before handing over your details or dollars.

Unexpected winnings
Don't be lured by a surprise win. These scams try to trick you into giving money upfront or your personal information in order to receive a prize from a lottery or competition that you never entered.

Fake charities
Scammers impersonate genuine charities and ask for donations or contact you claiming to collect money for relief efforts after natural disasters.

Attempts to gain your personal information
Scammers use all kinds of sneaky approaches to steal your personal details. Once obtained, they can use your identity to commit fraudulent activities such as using your credit card or opening a bank account.

Threats & extortion
Scammers will use any means possible to steal your identity or your money – including threatening your life or 'hijacking' your computer.

Today Reported Scams & Spams
Most Reported Numbers

Do not answer calls that come from those phone numbers, if you do beware.

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